Why should my film be made / Why do I want to make my film?

Social issues: I do not intend to have my piece have an overarching social message as I believe that can warp an artist’s ideas and vision. If there was a message to be insinuated from my piece it could be interpreted as a message of

Artistic intent: I believe that this is the main reason I want to make my film, as I want to show off my skills while making something for a song that I enjoy. The song also interests me as it seems to blend traditional and contemporary sounds to create its melody and backing track and as such I hope to use traditional and contemporary animation styles to make the video.

Exploring a certain genre: The film that I intend to produce while doesn’t have a genre such as horror or mystery, will be exploring the genre of music videos in a sci-fi setting, I believe this will be interesting to work on and to watch as while the song I’m using doesn’t have lyrics to work off I believe that I’ll be able to make a worthwhile product out of it.